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2018 Chicago

Best Paper Award

Anders Krabbe (University of Southern Denmark) and Stine Grodal (Boston University)
Best Paper Finalists

Markus Simeth (Copenhagen Business School) and
Ali Mohammadi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Eunhee Sohn (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Best Student Paper Sourobh Ghosh (Harvard Business School)
Best Student Paper Finalists

John Eklund (University of Pennsylvania)
Grace Gu (Harvard Business School) with:
Feng Zhu (Harvard University)
Best Dissertation Award Dongil Daniel Keum (Columbia University)
Dissertation Award Finalists

Laurie Ciaramella (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)
Sandra Corredor (University of Connecticut School of Business)
Joshua Lev Krieger (Harvard Business School)
Past Chairs Emerging Scholar

Brad Greenwood (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota)
Best Reviewers

Paolo  Aversa***
Aku  Valtakoski**
Johnathan  Cromwell**
Bastian  Rake*
Dennis  Van Kampen*
Joseph J. Cabral*
Anthony  Vashevko
Axel  Zeijen
Christian V.  Baccarella
David  Maslach
Elie J. Sung
Esko  Hakanen
Fabian  Reck
Janek  Richter
Joey  Van Angeren
Kati  Brock
Keld  Laursen
Louisa  Selivanovskikh
Mario  Le Glatin
Markus  Wabnegg
Sabrina  Schneider
Theodor Lucian Vladasel
Yevgen  Bogodistov
Yiarayong  Klangboonkrong
Zhe  Cao

*** Since 2014
*** Since 2016
*    Since 2017
Distinguished Speaker (Sponsored by Wiley) Maryann P. Feldman

Plenary Session The Management Impact of AI
Program Chair Corey Phelps (McGill)