Newsletter December 2023

Division Chair Message

Sonali K. Shah
Sonali K. Shah, TIM Division Chair

We are looking forward to an exciting 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago (August 9-13). The overall conference theme is exciting and strongly resonates with our Division’s interests: . We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the conference.

The is open between now and 9 January 2023. Please submit your papers and consider organizing a symposium or Professional Development Workshop (more information on the different submission types can be found ). Many thanks to the TIM members who organize the symposia and PDWs that benefit us all; you keep us at the cutting-edge of innovation scholarship!

The creation of a high-quality and exciting program requires the efforts of many thoughtful and dedicated scholars. Please annual meeting submissions. We depend on our members to provide constructive comments that improve our collective scholarship and contribute to the development of a high-quality program.

In addition to all the activities that happen at the annual conference, we also organize programming across the year. Several virtual events are planned for this year. Event announcements can be found on the , the (you can get all Connect@AOM discussion board posts sent to your email address, ), , and .

Recordings of 2023 Division events are available on the TIM homepage, including the (The Reasons Behind the Recent Decline in High-Impact Discoveries), the (as well as the of several other Distinguished Scholars), the , and the .

Volunteers are at the heart of the TIM Division, leading the division and organizing events both during the Annual Academy Conference and across the year. Thank you to all our volunteers for your contributions and for making TIM a warm and vibrant community. We are welcoming six new members to the this year: Assistant Program Chair Valentina Tartari (Copenhagen Business School) and Representatives-at-Large Daniel Armanios (Oxford), Susanne Beck (Warwick Business School), Aldona Kapacinskaite (Bocconi University), Hyunjin Kim (INSEAD), and Abhishek Nagaraj (Berkeley). I’d also like to give a heartfelt thank you to last year’s volunteers, including Past Division Chair, Janet Bercovitz (University of Colorado, Boulder). Janet guided our division through the pandemic years, working thoughtfully and tirelessly to make sure that our division emerged stronger. We are grateful for her outstanding leadership. If you think you might be interested in joining the TIM Executive Team, or just learning more, please reach out to me or any member of the team.

We look forward to seeing you at our virtual events and at the 2024 Annual Conference in Chicago.


From the entire TIM team, best wishes for a happy and healthy 2024!

Call for Submissions: AOM 2024 in Chicago


The Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division invites paper and symposium submissions, as well as innovative proposals for pre-conference Professional Development Workshops (PDWs).

Review the calls for TIM Division submissions below and submit your proposals today!

TIM Call for Scholarly Papers

TIM Call for PDWs

2023 TIM Business Meeting Report


Paul Hünermund
Paul Hünermund, Division Secretary

The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management took place from August 4 to 8, 2023, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts. The Business Meeting of the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) division was held on Sunday, August 6, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. A large group of attendees was present in the conference hall when Division Chair Sonali Shah welcomed the audience.

Sonali began by expressing her gratitude to Janet Bercovitz, our outgoing Past-Chair, for her outstanding leadership and service during the last five years. She then proceeded to thank Susan L. Cohen (University of Georgia), Colleen Cunningham (University of Utah), Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (Warwick Business School), Ram Ranganathan (University of Texas at Austin), and Eunhee Sohn (Georgia Institute of Technology), our outgoing Representatives-at-Large. Sonali emphasized that the division's activities are heavily reliant on the hard work and enthusiasm of our Reps, who organize TIM workshops and consortia, administer awards processes, and assist with developing the program for the annual conference (for more information see: ).

During the meeting, Sonali introduced Valentina Tartari (Stockholm School of Economics) as our new incoming PDW Chair, who will be joining the TIM five-year leadership track. This track includes Sue Cohen (University of Pittsburgh) as the Program Chair, Elena Novelli (Bayes Business School) as the Chair-Elect, Sonali Shah (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) as the Division Chair, and Maryann Feldman (Arizona State University) as the Past Division Chair. Additionally, five newly elected Representatives-at-Large were announced: Daniel Armanios from Oxford, Susanne Beck from LBG Open Innovation in Science Center & Copenhagen Business School, Aldona Kapacinskaite from Bocconi, Hyunjin Kim from INSEAD, and Abhishek Nagaraj from Berkeley. Furthermore, Sonali Shah thanked Llewellyn Thomas from IESE Business School (Division Treasurer), Paul Hünermund from Copenhagen Business School (Secretary & Social Media), Sonali Sharp from SUNY Albany (TIM Newsletter Editor), and Jermain Kaminski from Maastricht University (Webmaster) for their contribution to the division.

An important item on the agenda this year was a reflection on the strategic priorities of the TIM division in the upcoming years, which include several key initiatives. Firstly, there is a focus on regional online paper development workshops to reach underrepresented groups, with a pilot program currently underway in 2023. Additionally, the division aims to continue organizing mid-year research meetings – please look out for announcements on and . In terms of communication, plans include updating webpage resources and developing a podcast series. And, the division intends to expand its focus by offering more activities for mid-career researchers. To facilitate this, a vote is underway to add two new Representatives-at-Large. Finally, the division will vote on the addition of two new Representatives-at-Large to form a social activities committee.

The Program Report was presented by Elena Novelli, Raffaele Conti, and Eunhee Sohn. In 2023, there was a significant increase in submissions, with a total of 721. Consequently, the acceptance rate for papers was lower compared to the previous year, at 50.1%, while symposia had a 70.3% acceptance rate. The submissions were well-distributed geographically, with 47% from Europe, 28% from Asia, 18% from North America, 3% from Australia/Oceania, 2% from South America, and 1% from Middle East. This year's program included 101 paper and symposia sessions, along with 9 professional development workshops and 8 division events. A special acknowledgment was given to our fantastic reviewers, with 38% being first-time reviewers, and 21 recipients receiving the TIM Division Best Reviewer Award. The program committee once again successfully utilized a customized algorithm to efficiently organize paper submissions into engaging and coherent sessions. A track chair with expertise in each domain then grouped papers within their track into sessions consisting of four papers. Kudos to Eunhee Sohn and Shibo Zhou for designing and implementing this algorithm. Lastly, a heartfelt thanks was expressed to Francesca Hueller from Bayes Business School for her assistance in composing this year's TIM program.

Elena Novelli presented an overview of the various TIM development activities, while the Representatives-at-Large elaborated on their respective responsibilities, which included the Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), the Doctoral Consortium, the Junior Faculty Consortium, and research development workshops outside of the annual meeting. The TIM Research Committee members, including Daniel Armanios, Florenta Teodoridis, Linus Dahlander, Aldona Kapacinskaite, Dmitry Sharapov, David Clough, Florence Honore, and Astrid Marinoni, were appreciated for their contribution in providing feedback to other scholars during virtual and in-person research workshops, which are organized by the division throughout the year to connect the TIM community also outside of the annual meeting.

Subsequently, the 2023 TIM Division Awards for Best Paper, Best Student Paper, and Best Dissertation were presented. Congratulations to Jacqueline Lane (Harvard U.), Zoe Szajnfarber(George Washington U.) Jason Crusan (George Washington U.), Michael Menietti (Harvard U.), and Karim Lakhani (Harvard U.) for winning the Best Paper Award, to Xiaoli Tang (Washington U. in St. Louis) for winning the Best Student Paper Award, and Ying Li (U. Carlos III de Madrid) who was awarded this year’s Best Dissertation Award. Afterwards, Sonali Shah announced Colleen Cunningham (U. of Utah) as the TIM Past Chair’s Emerging Scholar Award winner.

Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi) is the recipient of the 2023 TIM Distinguished Scholar Award. The executive committee of the TIM division acknowledges Alfonso as a well-established scholar whose contributions to the TIM domain are influential and path-breaking. His scholarly, teaching, and service contributions are exemplary of excellence. A video of his talk can be found .

Llewellyn Thomas presented the Treasurer's Report as the final item on the agenda. Due to the significantly reduced costs for the virtual meetings in 2020 and 2021, the division has accumulated financial resources from previous years. However, the cost ratio went up substantially in 2023, and as a result, Llewellyn urged all division members to help in finding additional sponsorship opportunities for the upcoming annual meetings. You can contact Treasurer to offer your assistance. The meeting concluded with a final word of gratitude to this year's sponsors: Arizona State University, Bayes Business School, IESE Business School, and the Lazaridis Institute.

Fall Report from 2023 PDW Chair


Susan K. Cohen
Susan K. Cohen, TIM PDW Chair

The TIM Division sponsored 12 PDWs in Boston this year, which ran from Friday morning through Sunday evening and addressed a wide range of topics central to the TIM Division. PDWs sought to: establish the state of knowledge and agendas for future research on the science of science and open innovation, showcase cutting edge studies of general purpose technologies including blockchain and artificial intelligence, spark interdisciplinary conversations on modularity and platforms, describe and assess the data revolution’s implications for the practice and study of innovation, brainstorm and debate how to accelerate inclusion and upskilling the workforce for AI and digitization, how to harness the power of experimentation for future making, and how to conduct effective peer reviews. Several sessions were cosponsored with the OMT, ENT, and STR Divisions and a few with CTO, ODC, and PNP. All were exceptionally well attended, with 5 PDWs attracting roughly 100 participants.

TIM also hosted a Meet the Editor’s Panel on Tuesday from 10-11:30am, which included a diverse group of Editors who discussed what their journals seek to encourage in scholarly research, how their journals differ, and how to navigate the peer review process:

  • Mary Benner (University of Minnesota), representing Strategic Management Journal
  • Stefano Brusoni (ETH Zürich), representing Organization Science
  • Nilanjana Dutt (Bocconi University), representing Strategic Entrepreneurship Quarterly
  • JP Eggers (NYU), representing Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Maryann Feldman (Arizona State University), representing Research Policy
  • Michael Leiblein (Ohio State University), representing Strategic Management Review
  • Jelena Spanjol (LMU), representing Journal of Product Innovation Management

To date in 2023, the TIM Research Committee has held three research workshops in which participants engaged with guest panelists and then broke into smaller groups to share their work and exchange feedback.

The first led by (WBS), in collaboration with The Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Network () at Warwick Business School, on the topic of AI and Healthcare: Current Research and Future Directions. The workshop was a tremendous success thanks to the generous participation of panel presenters: (NYU), (Duke), (UCL) (Columbia U) and (NYU), breakout room facilitators: (MIT), (WBS), (WBS), (Case Western), and co-organizers: , ,

In addition, the TIM Division co-sponsored the 2023 Panel Debate at the annual in Vienna, Austria and online (May 8-10). The conference brings together scholars from across disciplines who are interested in investigating and discussing the role and value of openness and collaboration in science. The distinguished panel, comprising (INSEAD), (Structural Genomics Consortium), (IIASA), and (Rutgers Business School) discussed “Synergies and Tensions around Impact: How does Open Innovation in Science (OIS) come into play?”, attracting over 200 online and 70 in-person participants. A report on the debate is available .

The third was held on September 22 and led by in collaboration with , Editor-in-Chief of Organization Science. Lamar gave an excellent talk on the kinds of research Organization Science seeks to publish, what constitutes a compelling contribution, trends relevant to research on innovation, and initiatives designed to improve the peer review process. Following collective discussion, 35 participants - early-career technology scholars around the world - broke into small groups to share their work and identify opportunities to clarify and deepen their contributions. Excellent mentorship was provided by: , , , , , ,, , .

2023 TIM Paper and Dissertation Awards

Denisa Mindruta, Ram Ranganathan & Elena Novelli, TIM Award Committee

One of the most exciting activities of the division is to award outstanding research and recognize research-related service contributions by the division members.

These achievements are recognized via multiple award categories: 1) The Best Conference Paper Award 2) The Best Student Paper Award, and 3) The Best TIM Dissertation Award. The recipients of the awards were determined by distinct Awards Committees, each comprising 15-20 accomplished scholars with diverse research backgrounds. The evaluation process adhered to a rigorous double-blind approach.

We are delighted to reveal the award recipients as follows:

TIM Best Paper Award

Sponsored by IESE Business School

"Architectural Knowledge and Evaluations: When Does Feasibility Drive Technological Innovation?”

Jacqueline Lane, Harvard University
Zoe Szajnfarber, George Washington University
Jason Crusan, George Washington University
Michael Menietti, Harvard University
Karim R. Lakhani, Harvard University

TIM Best Student Paper Award

Sponsored by AOM TIM Division

"Environmental Transparency and Value Appropriation from Innovation: Evidence from US Fracking”
Xiaoli Tang, Washington U. in St. Louis

TIM Best Dissertation Award

Sponsored by the Lazaridis Institute
Ying Li, Assistant Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(PhD from University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign)

In addition to these scholarly contributions, the division also recognizes reviewer’s efforts towards a high quality reviewing process of the submitted papers. The best reviewers were chosen by considering the evaluation scores obtained by reviewers during the AOM 2023 conference submission process. We are pleased to announce that the following colleagues were recognized with a Best Reviewer Award:
Cory Jonathan Angert
Susanne Beck
Andrea Coali
Wesley Da Paixão De Oliveira
Viktor Fredrich
Sam Horner
Jaeho Kim
Johannes Loh
Amisha Miller
Daniel Linus Naila
Shukhrat Nasirov
Elisa Operti
Robert Gregory Ji-Won Park
Cesare Righi
Tobias Roeth
Leo Schmallenbach
Matthias Troebinger
Aku Valtakoski
Pramukh Nanjundaswamy Vasist
Theodor Lucian Vladasel
Markus Wabnegg

This year’s organizers and coordinators of the Awards Committees were Denisa Mindruta (for the Best Paper Awards) and Ram Ranganathan (for the Best Dissertation Award). Elena Novelli oversaw the best reviewer awards process.

2023 Junior Faculty Consortium


Denisa Mindruta
Colleen Cunningham & Maria Roche, TIM Junior Faculty Consortium Organizers

The 2023 TIM Junior Faculty Consortium at the Academy of Management in Boston was widely attended and well received. The Consortium was co-organized by Colleen Cunningham (University of Utah, Eccles School of Business) and Maria Roche (Harvard Business School). The event brought together 30 junior faculty participants and seven senior scholars who featured as panelists and discussants. 

The event set out to facilitate discussion among junior and more experienced faculty about the drivers of a successful career in Technology Innovation Management. There were lively discussions about the theoretical frontiers of TIM research and publishing in the TIM field. During the Research Trajectory Exercise, participants discussed their individual professional and research trajectories in small groups with senior faculty mentors with similar interests.

Senior faculty participating in the event included Minyuan Zhao (Wash U), Paola Criscuolo (Imperial), Victor Bennett (Utah), Bruno Cassiman (KU Leuven and IESE), Jeff Furman (Boston), Hong Luo(HBS), Valentina Tartari (CBS).

We look forward to next year’s event, which will be organized by Daniel Armanios (Oxford) and Maria Roche (HBS)!

An Official Division of