
Academy of Management 2025

2025 Emerging Scholars Award: Nominations 🏆

The Technology and Innovation Management Division (TIM) of the Academy of Management seeks nominations for the TIM EMERGING SCHOLAR AWARD.  This award is given annually to an emerging scholar whose scholarly contributions show exceptional quality and great promise of becoming influential in the area of technology and innovation management and who has already achieved an outstanding publication record. The winner is selected by a committee comprised of past TIM Division Chairs.
Winners of this prestigious award include Callen Anthony (NYU),  Colleen Cunningham (Utah), Henning Piezunka (INSEAD), Daniel Armanios(Said, Oxford),  Florenta Teodoridis (USC), Rory McDonald (HBS), Brad Greenwood (Minnesota), Emily Cox-Pahnke(Foster, Washington), Ram Ranganathan (McCombs, Texas-Austin), Ethan Mollick (Wharton, Penn), Martin Ganco(Wisconsin), and Feng Zhu (HBS). 
Who is eligible?
Any scholar within 7 years of obtaining their Ph.D. degree (i.e., completed their Ph.D. after 8/1/2018). The time line can be considered extended in the presence of extended leaves (please provide relevant information in the application). 
How to nominate someone:
Please send an email to ELENA NOVELLI, TIM Division Chair (novelli@city.ac.uk) with a letter explaining the reasons for your nomination and either an attachment with the nominee's CV or a link to it. 
Deadline for nominations
March 31, 2025
Elena Novelli
TIM Division Chair

Looking Back

2024 TIM Panel Recording 🎙️

TIM Plenary 2024: Join us as Aija Leiponen (Cornell), Karim Lakhani (Harvard), Kevin Boudreau (Northeastern), and Lynn Wu (Wharton) share diverse perspectives on AI’s impact on science and innovation. You can listen to the recording right here.

2024 TIM Distinguished Scholar Recording 📽️

TIM Distinguished Scholar Luncheon: Watch insights from Professor Daniel Levinthal (Wharton School) as he delivers an inspiring keynote on pioneering research and innovation at the Distinguished Scholar luncheon. Here is a link to the video recording.

We are grateful to our sponsors for making this happen.

Sponsors 2024

2024 Awards

2024 TIM Distinguished Scholar

The TIM Division is proud to present the 2024 TIM Distinguished Scholar, Professor Daniel Levinthal, Wharton School. Congratulations, and see you at the Academy to celebrate this award with us.

2024 TIM Emerging Scholar

This session highlighted the work of the 2024 TIM Emerging Scholar Award winner, Assistant Professor Callen Anthony, NYU. Congratulations to this achievement!

Announcements List

  • Rich Bettis passing

    The STR leadership is saddened to hear of the passing of Richard A. Bettis. Rich was a Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a former Division Chair of the Strategic Management (then Business Policy and Planning) Division in 1987-1988. He also served on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Management from 1989-92. Rich was an Associate Editor and then a Co-Editor of the Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) for a total of 20 years, as well as an Associate Editor of Management Science and a consulting editor of Academy of Management Review. He was a Founding Member and Fellow of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), served as a member of its Board of Directors and later as its President. He and C.K. Prahalad won the first SMJ Dan and Mary Lou Schendel Best Paper Prize in 1993 for their paper on “the dominant logic” of diversified firms. He was the recipient of the SMS Distinguished Service Award in 2016. 
    Rich has contributed greatly to the field of strategy through his work on corporate strategy and behavioral strategy, among others. In his later publications, he strongly advocated for replicability and transparency in empirical strategy research. Rich advised and mentored numerous doctoral students and junior colleagues. He will be greatly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
  • Call for 2025 OB Division Career Awards

    Please nominate a deserving member of our division for one of the following career awards

          Lifetime Achievement Award

          Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award

          Mentorship Award

          Societal Impact Award

    Please find further information and deadlines below. The Lifetime Achievement Award has an earlier deadline than the other three career awards.

    Please make your nominations as succinct as possible and follow the submission instructions. This will ensure that we do not burden the volunteers who serve on our awards committees. These volunteers are NOT members of the executive committee, and we are extremely grateful to them for the time they spend on this important task.

    Call for the 2025 OB Division Lifetime Achievement Award

    The OB Division Lifetime Achievement Award, established in 2005, recognizes senior scholars who have made exceptional contributions to our discipline throughout their careers. To be eligible for the award, an individual must have completed his or her PhD (or finished his or her training/education) at least twenty years ago. The individual must be a truly outstanding scholar. He or she will have published in the very best journals and conducted research that has had a significant impact on the field. Finally, recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award have contributed not only through their scholarship, but through service to the field.  For example, they may have served as editors of leading journals, held leadership positions with the Division or the Academy, and/or been exceptional teachers and mentors for doctoral students. The winner is required to attend the annual conference and give a presentation in the same year as receiving the award.

    Please find the full criteria here, which are ordered by the OB Division’s principles of rigor, relevance, and relationships (noting the criteria are identical for Lifetime Achievement and Cummings Awards, but the expected level of achievement differs).

    For the Lifetime Achievement Award, the nominator must submit the following information as part of the nomination package:

    1.     A nomination letter by an OB Division member, noting self-nominations are welcome. 

    2.     A current Curriculum Vitae (CV).

    3.     A maximum of three letters of support (and no more than three).  

    4.     Confirmation that the nominated individual is a member of the OB Division.

    5.     Confirmation that from the nominated individual that, if they win, they will attend and present at the upcoming AOM Conference.

    The deadline to submit for the 2025 OB Division Lifetime Achievement Award is January 31, 2025, using this link.

    Past award winners: 

          2024 Jeffrey Pfeffer

          2023 Jennifer Chatman

          2022 John Hollenbeck

          2021 Michael Frese

          2020 Sue Ashford

          2019 Max Bazerman

          2018 Teresa Amabile

          2017 Fred Luthans

          2016 Blake Ashforth

          2015 Jane Dutton

          2014 Victor Vroom

          2013 Benjamin Schneider

          2012 Richard Hackman

          2011 Charles A. O'Reilly III

          2010 Terence R. Mitchell

          2009 Denise Rousseau

          2008 Barry Staw

          2007 Gary Latham

          2006 Lyman W. Porter

          2005 Edwin Locke

    Call for the 2025 OB Division Cummings Early- to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award

    Sponsored by an OB Division endowment in the name of Larry Cummings and honoring his contributions to OB, the OB Division Cummings Early to Mid-Career Scholarly Achievement Award recognizes significant scholarly achievement during the early- to mid-career stage. The award winner will be announced at the Academy of Management conference. To be eligible for this award, an individual must be a member of the OB division and must have received his or her PhD no more than 12 years ago.

    Please find the full criteria here, which are ordered by the OB Division’s principles of rigor, relevance, and relationships (noting the criteria are identical for Lifetime Achievement and Cummings Awards, but the expected level of achievement differs). The nomination package should include the following materials: 

          A nomination letter by an OB Division member, noting self-nominations are welcome. 

          A current Curriculum Vitae (CV).

          A maximum of three letters of support (and no more than three).

          Confirmation that the nominated individual is a member of the OB Division.


    The deadline to submit for the 2025 OB Division Cummings Award is February 20, 2025, using this link.

    Past award winners: 

          2024 Anthony Klotz and Klodiana Lanaj

          2023 Not awarded

          2022 Jessica Rodell (University of Georgia)

          2021 Allison Gabriel (University of Arizona)

          2020 Christopher Barnes (University of Washington)

          2019 Scott DeRue (University of Michigan)

          2018 Russell Johnson (Michigan State University)

          2017 Mo Wang (University of Florida)

          2016 Dave Mayer (University of Michigan)

          2015 Brent Scott (Michigan State University)

          2014 Aparna Joshi (Pennsylvania State University)

          2013 Francesca Gino (Harvard University)

          2012 Hui Liao (University of Maryland)

          2011 Adam M. Grant (University of Pennsylvania)

          2010 Maria L. Kraimer (University of Iowa)

          2009 Remus Ilies (Michigan State University)

          2008 Gilad Chen (University of Maryland)

          2007 Don Moore (Carnegie Mellon University)

          2006 Jason Colquitt (University of Florida)

          2005 Jeffrey LePine (University of Florida)

          2004 Jean Phillips (Rutgers University)

          2003 Amy Edmondson (Harvard Business School)

          2002 Michele Gelfand (University of Maryland)

          2001 Timothy A. Judge (University of Florida)

          2000 Sandra L. Robinson (University of British Columbia)

          1999 Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison (New York University)

          1998 Jennifer Chatman (University of California, Berkeley)

    Call for the 2025 OB Division Mentorship Award

    The OB Division Mentorship Award recognizes a scholar who has excelled at mentoring others to achieve their career objectives through moral, social, and intellectual support. We define each of these criteria in more detail below:

          Intellectual support: Helps the mentee develop ideas constructively (e.g., by brainstorming, offering a sounding board, suggesting a diverse perspective, providing written feedback) – investing one’s intellectual capital in the service of mentees.

          Social support: Helps the mentee develop a professional network that will allow him/her to be successful (e.g., introducing them to others, writing reference letters, suggesting them as coauthors/reviewers/editors) – investing one’s social capital in the service of mentees.

          Personal support: Genuinely cares about the wellbeing and development of the mentee (e.g., encouragement through difficult times, helps maintain self-efficacy, provides perspective or specific career/work strategies) – investing one’s personal energy in the service of mentees.

    Any member of the OB Division is eligible for this award. This award is not meant to recognize research productivity, advocacy activities in the field, or personal longevity in the field but rather to recognize a scholar who has an impactful effect on other scholars through their outstanding mentorship. To be eligible, the person needs a minimum of three mentees who are willing to write a letter of nomination on behalf of their mentor. Based on the letters or recommendations received, a young and upcoming artist, being mentored by a more senior artist, will develop a personalized piece of art representing the award winner as a mentor. The award winner will be announced at the Academy of Management Conference. To nominate an individual for the Mentorship Award, a nomination packet must include:

    1. A letter of nomination that identifies the candidate, the individual(s) making the nomination, and a short motivation about why this person is being nominated (one page, single-spaced);
    2. As supporting evidence, we ask the three nominators to each write a supporting letter (one page, single-spaced) about how this person (mentor) has impacted their development, career and lives. These letters will be used as input for the artist crafting the award. We need a minimum of three and a maximum of 10 letters per person. Nominations are accepted from all OB Division members. 
    3. If you nominated a candidate who was unsuccessful in a prior year or years, you will need to resubmit the nomination materials this year. 

    The deadline to submit for the 2025 OB Division Mentorship Award is February 20, 2025, using this link.

    Past award winners:

          2024 Bob Liden

          2023 Blake Ashforth

          2022 Christina Gibson

          2021 Randall Peterson

          2020 Jane Dutton

          2019 Katherine Phillips

          2018 Maurice Schweitzer

          2017 John Mathieu

          2016 Sharon Parker

          2015 John Hollenbeck

    Call for the 2025 OB Division Award for Societal Impact


    Scholarly work with societal impact is both scientifically credible and useful to society; it produces societally beneficial knowledge that aims to make the world a better place.  This work will often address, but is not limited to, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, for example: health and well-being, income and social inequality, and the preservation of the environment. In order to both recognize and incentivize such work in organizational behavior, the OB Division is inviting nominations for the OB Division Award for Societal Impact.

    This award recognizes a body of work rather than a single conference submission or published article, given that scholarship addressing grand societal problems is often incredibly challenging, unfolding over many years of persistence. The work may be published in traditional research outlets; however, it can also be evidenced in monographs, policy papers, books, curricula, or interventions that may not receive recognition in other forums. Yet, through its application of organizational behavior scholarship, it has the potential to change the world. The award winner will be announced at the Academy of Management conference.

    To be eligible for this award, the scholar’s work must:

    (1) Use organizational behavior knowledge to address problem(s) that relate to timely and important societal challenges in the business, economic, societal or environmental spheres

    (2) Demonstrate strong credibility through rigorous methods, analysis, and/ or application

    (3) Inform and provide actionable insights for policies or practices to improve the well-being and performance of people (employees, managers, customers, suppliers), organizations, and/ or societies.

    The deadline to submit for the 2025 OB Division Societal Impact Award is February 20, 2025, using this link.

    Past award winners:

          2024 Connie Wanberg

          2023 Anne Tsui

          2022 Carrie Leana

          2021 Michele Gelfand

          2020 Laura Morgan Roberts

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